Total closure of the West Bank for ten-day Jewish holiday of Pesach which celebrates freedom

The announcement of the IDF spokesperson, published today here, says, in full, that:
In accordance with the directives of the Minister of Defense and as part of the situation assessments adopted by the defense establishment, a general closure was implemented in the Judea and Samaria region yesterday, Sunday, April 17th, 2011 at 23:59. The closure will be lifted on the night of Tuesday, April 26th, 2011 at 23:59, in accordance with security assessments. For the duration of the closure, persons in need of medical attention, humanitarian aid or exceptional assistance will be permitted to pass for care. The passage of journalists will also be permitted. Christian Palestinians holding the relevant permits [emphasis added] will also be permitted to pass in order to celebrate the Easter holiday”.

Now, we learn, the bureaucracy of the Israeli occupation extends even to babies, who are now required to have permits to visit Jerusalem at Easter time. From a Tweet by @jbaboun, a photo of a permit given to an infant is posted here, accompanied by her own comments.  She also wrote a post about this on her own blog here, which also shows her own permit, which she apparently tore up into four pieces as a protest:

Palm Sunday celebration in Jerusalem.. even babies need permi... on Twitpic

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