WHO is punishing the NYTimes – lightly – for breaking news embargo

The World Health Organization has just announced sanctions — very light ones — against the NYTimes for breaching a news embargo.

It is surprising, because hardly anybody who wants news coverage would dare do anything against the NYTimes.  In fact, it is far more normal for UN spokespersons to deliberately leak advance copies of important UN reports and documents to the NYTimes.  This is a refreshing change:


Please note that the New York Times has been suspended from the World Health Organization media distribution list for a period of two weeks, effective immediately, after breaking the embargo yesterday on a story from WHO and other partners.

The story in question, “Sharp drop in deaths from measles reported,” appeared on the New York Times website after the reporter participated in an embargoed telebriefing.

After speaking to the reporter and assessing the circumstances surrounding the breach, WHO has decided that a two-week exclusion from our email list is a proportionate sanction. WHO communications staff have been asked not to brief any New York Times reporters during this period on any stories that are scheduled to be released through the WHO email distribution list.

WHO takes embargoes very seriously. Breaches are a violation of this code of honour among journalists and between reporters and their sources. The Organization will determine appropriate sanctions on a case-by-case basis.

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