Is the issue of climate change manipulated?

This article asks real questions about the manipulation of climate change — real though global warming undoubtedly is:

Whistleblowers Get Kiss-Off: Pro-Man-Made Global Warming Crowd Will Do Anything to ‘Sex-Up’ the Threat by Licia Corbella – February 11, 2007 – The Calgary Sun

“It’s too bad the world’s media doesn’t hold the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to the same standards that it holds large corporations.

When Enron cooked the books, there were — rightly — no end of indignant columns and talk shows condemning these high-paid fraudsters who massaged the numbers to fit their agenda and bolster their bank accounts.

The whistleblower who tried to get Enron to change its evil ways — Sherron Watkins — was named, along with two other whistleblowing women — TIME magazine’s Persons of the Year for 2002.

But when it comes to scientists who whistleblow about IPCC reports cooked by politicians to fit their politicized agendas, those whistleblowers are either ignored or dismissed as ‘skeptics’ or quacks and are libelled as haters of this planet and nature, even though most of them have dedicated their lives to studying nature and protecting it.
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